Dream Hair

Woman with big hair laying in bed

Hair is often a source of frustration. It can be just as frustrating in dream life as it is in waking life. Centuries ago dreamers were fighting with their dream hair. Although the battle hasn’t gotten any less fierce, today’s dreamers have the ability to reach back to the principles the ancients used to decipher their dreams.

Dream hair can mean covering, protection, patterns of thinking, wisdom and strength. If you get your hair cut and styled in a dream it could mean the way others see you will change. Length of hair often refers to amounts of time. In that context cut hair can mean the time for something to be cut short. It can also mean the virtues of wisdom and strength are being cut short.

The Basic Meaning of Dream Hair

In order to figure out the specifics of what dream hair means you must determine if the dream is positive or negative. A dream with a positive meaning typically has a lot of light, color, and positive feelings. A dream with a negative meaning typically has shadowy features, little light, black and white, and liitle to no color.

An example of how to determine the meaning of hair in both positive and negative context follows. Let’s say your hair is naturally blond. You have a dream abut walking around the house you grew up in at dusk. No lights are turned on, so your surroundings are shadowy. When you walk past a mirror you discover your hair is dark blue. In this context your hair symbolizes sadness or depression. Looking in the mirror simply means this is a glimpse into your inner view when you live in that house.

The exact same dream with a positive, light filled context, means you saw yourself as insightful at that time in your life.

What if your hair color in a dream is the same as waking life? In that case the meaning of hair is revealed in what’s happening with the hair itself. Here’s an example of that.

Can’t Get Dream Hair Right


I had a dream last night that I came into work and went into the bathroom to try and fix my hair. My hair was super, super thick and it was wet. I tried to braid it, pull it up, put a scarf around it. No matter what I did it looked horrible. I couldn’t get it right. Then, at one point, I tried to blow dry my hair and it wouldn’t dry at all. All while I was doing this I was panicking about getting out of the bathroom and getting to work before I got in trouble for not working.

End of Dream

The dreamer didn’t mention the color of their hair so it’s most likely the same color as in their waking life. The hair did, however, cause the dreamer problems and a great deal of frustration. No degree of light or shadow is mentioned, but the condition of the dreamer’s hair, and the fear of getting in trouble, this dream is negative.

What really matters in this dream is the dreamer can’t get their hair to do what they want it to do. They can’t get it right. That one short sentence is a big hint to the meaning of the dream. Another hint is their location: the bathroom at work.

The setting of a dream is a big hint to it’s overall meaning

curt johnson dream interpreter

The setting of work means the dreamer is having a problem getting things right. Looking at themselves in the mirror reveals this is what’s going on inside the dreamer. The fact the dreamer is in the bathroom means they are trying to “clean things up”. A closer look at what the dreamer is doing with their hair can bring more clarity.

The dreamer tries to do three things with their hair. They try to braid it (trying to make things work by established patterns of thinking). They try to pull it up ( an attempt to elevate their patterns of thinking). Last, they try to put a scarf over their hair (cover up their thinking). Nothing the dreamer tries works. This reveals they need to think about their frustration at work a different way.

The thickness of the dreamer’s hair symbolizes the strength of their thinking.

Their wet hair symbolizes the dreamer’s way of spiritual thinking, which they can’t get away from.

More on Cutting Dream Hair

I touched briefly on the meaning of getting a dream haircut earlier in the blog. Others look at you differently, length of time or wisdom and strength being cut short. In this next dream receiving a haircut changes more than just how the dreamer is perceived. It demonstrates just how crucial dream context is.

The Dream

The dream started with me wanting to go to my girlfriend’s place, but I was taken to a weird rich house instead. I then asked if she could cut my hair. She did, and it turned out great. I was then suddenly taking a bath and interviewed a lady from work. As I was talking the specifics of the job I realized I was wearing a bath towel. It fell and I covered my private parts while still giving the specifics of the job. I was also complaining about why it was me giving the interview.

After awhile it turned out the haircut was bad. I turned to look for my girlfriend but I fell asleep and was attacked by ghosts. There was a cctv and it turned out there was actually a ghost. Then I looked for her and found her but she refused to continue cutting my hair. Then I was shown a picture of my old company where I worked as a seafearer cook.

End of Dream

The dreamer’s haircut happens at the very beginning of the dream and it affects everything that happens afterward. In order to understand what a haircut means in this dream, it’s crucial to consider the entire dream.

Check Out this Helpful Video on Dream Hair

What Happens After the Dream Haircut?

Let’s first consider everything that happens after the haircut. The dreamer is taking a bath and conducting an interview in a bath towel. The towel falls down but they cover their privates. They then complain about giving the interview.

All of this may seem random, but it actually makes a lot of sense when you know what to look for. When you look at the metaphorical language in the above paragraph you get the following meaning. The dreamer got cleaned up, takes time to get the specifics in an “inner view” and becomes vulnerable as a result. then there’s an inner battle about why they’re doing this in the first place.

In the last part of the dream the dreamer realizes the haircut is bad, seeks out their girlfriend to cut off more, and is haunted by their past. It’s as if looking at their haircut at the beginning of the dream causes the dreamer to go through an inner chain reaction and realize some things they hadn’t before. The dream doesn’t give specifics of this. We’re only given the getting clean, vulnerability and inner view metaphors.

I find it intriguing that the dreamer seeks out their girlfriend to continue changing their “look”. Apparently the dreamer doesn’t like what they see. It’s at that point the dreamer is attacked by ghosts. Is is metaphorical language for being haunted. They then see a picture of an old company they used to cook at. Pictures usually mean memories of the past. THe two together mean haunted by past memories.

But What’s the Bottom Line?

The bottom line of the dream is simply this: the dreamer has to come to terms with some things inside them. They allow someone close to them to change an aspect of their appearance, which set into motion a chain of events that causes them to be haunted by past memories.

Ultimately, this dream is not about dream hair, though the dreamer’s haircut plays an important role.


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